By Laws
We fish therefore we are
Article I. The Club
Section 1.1. The charter club known as the Olympic Peninsula Fly Fishers was established in l995 in Port Angeles, Washington.
Article II. Aims and Purposes
Section 2.1. To promote, encourage, support and educate members and the community in the sport of fly-fishing.
Section 2.2. To encourage and advocate the conservation of fishery habitat.
Section 2.3. To promote catch-and-release fishing.
Section 2.4. To conduct workshops, activities and outings related to fly-fishing, fly-tying, casting, and other associated events.
Article I. Membership
Section 1.1. Membership is open to all persons who are interested in the sport of fly-fishing or related activities.
Section l.2. Types of Memberships
A. Individual. One person, one vote.
- Family. All members of immediate family at a single address. Two votes per family.
- Honorary. No voting privileges.
Section 1.3. Prospective members must complete an application form obtained from Secretary. Complete application and return to Secretary with applicable dues.
Section 1.4. Upon completion of Section 1.3 Individual and Family memberships shall be admitted as members of this organization.
Section 1.5. Names and addresses of the membership can not be sold or given away except for official club business.
Article II. Revenue
Section 2.l. Annual individual membership dues are $35.00 per year. Family membership dues are $45.00 per year (Rev. Aug. 2, 2022). Dues maybe revised by the Board of Directors with concurrence of the majority of members in attendance at a regular monthly meeting.
Section 2.2. Annual membership dues shall be collected between January 1 and March 1. Members who fail to pay by March 1 will be dropped from the membership roster and mailing list.
Section 2.2.l. Dues will be pro-rated to one-half (1/2) for new members joining between July 1 and October 3l. Dues of new members joining between November 1 and December 3l will apply for the following year.
Section 2.3. Revenue for this organization will be from membership dues, donations and other fund-raisers.
Article III. Officers and Trustees
Section 3.l. Officers and Trustees are expected to attend monthly meetings and any additional meetings.
Section 3.2. All disbursements for club funds shall require the authorization of the President or Treasurer as called for in Article III, Section 3.3.
Section 3.3. Duties of the Officers:
Shall be the chief executive of the organization and shall preside over the membership and board meetings. Shall be ex-officio member of all committees. Has the authority to sign for disbursement of Club funds. Is a designated spokesperson for the Olympic Peninsula Fly Fishers.
The President may specifically authorize Trustees or a member from the general membership as a spokesperson.
Presides over meetings in the absence of the President. Organizes programs for the monthly Club meetings in accordance with the aims and purposes of the charter. Is a designated spokesperson for the Olympic Peninsula Fly Fishers.
Keeps Club monthly meeting minutes and correspondence. Has written copy of the minutes of monthly general and board meetings available at each meeting. Maintains a permanent record of all monthly membership and board meeting minutes. Records attendance of officers and trustees at general and board meetings. Is a designated spokesperson for the Olympic Peninsula Fly Fishers.
Keeps Club records, including financial accounting. Shall make financial records available for inspection at any time. Prepares an annual budget that shall be approved by the Board of Directors and then presented to the general membership for concurrence. Makes an annual end of year financial report. The report shall be made available to the general membership at the January meeting or at such times as the President may request. Charged with the collection of membership dues and other fund raising monies. Has authority to sign for disbursement of club funds. Is a designated spokesperson for the Olympic Peninsula Fly Fishers.
There will be a total of four (4) trustees. At the annual election two (2) trustees will be elected for a two (2) year term. The two previous two year trustees become the carry over for one (1) year each. The Trustees are on the Board of Directors and are required to serve on a committee.
Section 3.4. Board of Directors
- The Board of Directors is composed of the officers, the Immediate Past President an four trustees. The Immediate Past-President shall serve on the Board of Directors.
- The Board of Directors is charged with carrying out club business. A majority of the elected Board of Directors (Officers plus Trustees) shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
- Should an elected officer become unable to fulfill his/her responsibilities, he/she shall notify the President.
- The President shall appoint an interim officer subject to board approval.
B. The President may appoint two (2) board members to function as a nominating committee.
C. The membership will be notified of the appointment at the next general meeting. Nominations will be requested from the floor.
D. The President at the next general meeting will notify the membership of the nominations. The election of the replacement officer will be effected at this general meeting.
4.Mandatory replacement of an officer may occur upon documentation of gross negligence, or non-performance of duties. Such documentation shall be presented to the Board of Directors who must meet and vote upon it within thirty (30) days. A three-fourths (3/4) majority vote of the Board is necessary to implement mandatory replacement, at such time the procedure outlined in Section 3.4, Paragraph 3 shall be followed.
Article IV. Meetings
Section 4.1. This organization shall hold a monthly (once a month) general and board meeting on a date, time and place as determined by the Board of Directors. The other times shall be henceforth known as activities, and shall be designated on a club calendar when activities take place. At any meeting of the Club, the voting Club members present shall constitute a quorum and a majority of the votes of such quorum shall be sufficient to transact business.
Section 4.2. A general guideline for the order of business at a General monthly meeting shall be:
1. Call meeting to order and introduce guests.
- Treasurer and secretary reports.
- Old business
- New business including activities and outings
- Program (May be moved up in order to accommodate a speaker or time frame).
- Fly tying demonstration
- Drawing for flies
Section 4.3 Board meetings will be conducted under the general guidance of Robert’s Rules of Order and may include the following topics or guidelines.
- Call meeting to order
- Treasurer’s report
- Secretary’s report
- Old business
- New business
- Outings
- Programs
- Round table
Article V. Election of Officers and Trustees
Section 5.1. The Nomination Committee will present a slate of officers and trustees to the Secretary so the names can appear in the December newsletter prior to the December meeting. Additional nominations can be made from the floor prior to the elections at the December meeting. New officers are to be installed by the January meeting.
Section 5.2. Elections shall be carried out by secret ballot presided over by Secretary, nominating committee or another officer appointed by the President that is not on the current ballot.
Section 5.3. Only paid members under Article I, Section 1.2 may vote and are entitled to one vote per office.
Section 5.4. Members not attending the December meeting but wishing to have their vote recorded shall waive their right to a secret ballot. They shall: Record the offices and the names of their chosen candidates sign their name and seal the ballot in an envelope. Mail it or deliver it to the President prior to the December meeting. At the December meeting, these ballots shall be opened when the votes are tallied. The Secretary or presiding officer shall counter-sign these votes as tallied and keep them on record for a period of not less than six (6) months and not more than a year.
Section 5.5. The nominee for each office receiving a simple majority of votes shall be declared elected. In the case of a tie vote, the president will flip a coin will determine the winner.
Article VI. Committees
Section 6.1. All committees will be responsible to the Board of Directors.
Section 6.2. The following committees may be appointed by the President.
Newsletter: Collect news, assemble, publish and mail newsletter.
Program/Activity: Arrange for speakers, videos or activities for meetings.)
Fund-Raising: Organize and oversee all fund-raising projects.
Nominating: Convene in October. Charged with acquiring members to run for
open officer and trustee positions. See that the slate of officers is published in
December newsletter.
Audit: Audit club financial records annually in January and at other times as
requested by the President.
Telephone: Call members about changes in meeting time, activities, etc.
Other committees as needed.
Article VII. Approval of bylaws and Amendments
Section 7.1. These bylaws shall become effective only upon ratification by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of votes cast at a monthly general meeting.
Section 7.2. Proposed amendments to the bylaws will be published in the newsletter (US mail or email) for two months. On the second month at a general meeting the amendments will be voted on with a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of those present to ratify.
Article VIII. Standing Rules
Section 8.1. Status of members whose action(s) undermine the integrity of the charter will be reviewed by the Board of Directors and the appropriate action will be taken.
Section 8.2. Removal of a member will require a unanimous vote of the Board of Directors.
Article IX. Liabilities
Section 9.1. The club, its officers or trustees, individually or collectively, shall not be held liable or accountable for accidents or injuries sustained at a club meeting or activity.
Article X. Club Dissolution
Section 10.1. In the event the club should dissolve, all remaining assets of the club, property, investments, and bank accounts should be donated to another local, state, or national fly fishing organization such as the Federation of Fly Fishing.
Rev. 3-10-99, 12-2-2002, 2-3-2003, 12-5-2011, 3-5-2012, and 10-2-2022.